
Minimal dependencies are:

  • Ebean ORM
  • Java persistence annotations for your entities
<dependency> <!-- EBean ORM. Requires enhanced entity classes -->

<dependency> <!-- JPA annotations needed to create entity classes -->

If you wish to dynamically enhance your entity classes at application startup (i.e. you do not want to add entity class enhancement to the build process using the Ebean Maven plugin) you also need:

  • The Ebean bytecode enhancement agent
  • The Ebean agent loader

If you do not understand enhancement yet, just include the following dependencies anyway, it cannot do any harm

<dependency> <!-- Agent that dynamically enhances entity classes byte code -->

<dependency> <!-- Loader for loading/running byte code agent from classpath -->

Remember to check back regularly to make sure you are using the latest Ebean dependencies.

If you are using the Play Framework, see our special notes on how to manage dependencies there.

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