
Quick Start

Get up and running in 10 minutes

1. Get the jars

The recommended way to include Ebean in your project is using Maven, which will automatically include any dependencies for you. However you can also download the necessary Jar archives yourself and add them to your Java project classpath.

2. Create "entity" classes

You need to define the entity classes that Ebean will use as database proxies. To start with, it is often quickest to create entity classes manually. Once you understand the process, you may wish to auto-generate entity classes from your database.

3. Enhance entity classes

Ebean needs to "enhance" your entity classes to make them act as database proxies. This can be done dynamically using the Ebean Agent class, or statically at compile time using the Ebean Maven plugin.

4. Connect to data

Ebean may be magical, but it still needs to know about your database, and for the interested offers a short but powerful list of configuration options (which go in ebean.properties of course).

5. Run some queries

Once you have successfully run your first query, you are officially up and running. If you need inspiration, try replicating one of the demo examples.

6. Feel the power!

Ebean is fast and simple, but it does much more than simple CRUD. Take a peek at some of the more advanced features and keep them in mind for when you need them.

7. Go deeper

Now you understand how Ebean improves Java database programming, consider reading the docs in more depth and even supporting the project.

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